Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chicago Public Schools teachers: Monday strike date still on - Chicago Sun-Times

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Chicago Public Schools officials freshened their economic offer to teachers Wednesday but teachers union officials immediately labeled the deal "unacceptable'' and held firm to a Sept. 10 strike date.
I am still unsure why public sector unions exist, or how they are allowed to bargain against the taxpayers who not voluntarily support them. There is a big problem with this situation. But it is the Chicago school...

CPS didn't budge from its May offer of four years of 2 percent raises, but for the first time it formally dropped the requirement that the fourth-year raise be tied to a form of merit pay and "differentiated compensation,'' Chicago Teachers Union officials said.
"I have some reasonable news: The board has moved off of merit pay,'' CTU President Karen Lewis told reporters after the union's House of Delegates held its monthly meeting. 

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