Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Maoist Lack of Economic Knowledge

Need a good laugh? Head over to the Maoist Rebel News to see the sorry excuse for results in public education. It's actually quite sad. Jason Unruhe tries and fails to criticize the Mises Academy providing economic educational programs for lowering their costs, but completely ignore rising revenues as a result. He really doesn't come across as educated on the issues he discusses on his blog or his YouTube channel.

Not only is the Marxist position one of constant failure throughout history (but just won't quite die entirely), but there are so many unwilling to work to achieve their goals that they just fall back on criticizing those who do excel in their fields through hard work and determination. MRN is one of those happily supporting failure (with minimal followers, including a whopping 341 "likes" on Facebook). Bless their hearts, they know not what they do. If anything, he's simply giving free advertizing through his site to the Academy (where's your Maoist academy, d-bag?), as he hardly gives compelling reasons to support socialism over liberty. Good luck with that, Jason...

Lack of economic education:

Mises Institute Succumbs to Market Forces - YouTube

"Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn

I went over to Jason's Maoist Rebel News Facebook page for his "news" outlet and began to refute (or refuse as he misuses language) various criticisms and misconceptions he has toward libertarianism and capitalism, but am starting to feel bad about it. I feel like I'm making fun of a mentally challenged person. Should I cease my interjections and let him go about his merry way, being the village idiot, or should I continue to try to help him see the err of his position through education? I have this damned cricket on my shoulder reminding me that I need to be nice, even to the statists...

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