Friday, May 31, 2013

State Education Spending Outpaces Inflation

From a US Census Bureau report, $407 million in debt across all of the states might be a driving force in reducing spending during a time in which most other public and private sectors are doing the same. Despite the temporary decrease in state spending, it continues to outpace inflation. When we consider that revenus from the states was only $259 million, it is easy to see how continuing to spend at significantly greater rates than revenues can support might lead to an unstable situation. Total spending was $522 million. Those numbers are less than comforting. It will be interesting to see if the trend in public spending continues to decease  or whether this is a temporary deviation rather than a trend. When taxpayers incomes have stagnated, along with increasing unemployment rates, it is even more difficult to support the ever-increasing spending rates. Fewer taxpayers with precious little resources can not sustain these constant increases.

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