Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy War Day

Veteran's Day, the third leg of the statist tripod of holidays; Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and 9/11. Celebration of these "holidays" is little more than worship at the altar or the American Empire. The Empire Never Ended, yet it's collapse is imminent. 

Formerly Armistice Day, is a holiday observed on November 11 in honour of all those, living and dead, who served with U.S. armed forces in wartime. Armistice Day, the forerunner of Veterans Day, was proclaimed to commemorate the termination of World War I

Proclaimed by whom? surely not the people. Less than one on five support Obama (just the latest American emperor), which should be a stark reminder of the massive withdraw of consent of the population to be governed. I see this as a great step away from the state toward a voluntary society sans government. For what is government but a legitimization of the act of aggression toward others through the act of voting. Don't vote, it only encourages them. 

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