Monday, September 24, 2012

Isaac Asimov on Self-education

How computers can speed up the process of self learning.
Isaac Asimov - Self Learning - YouTube

Asimov is not necessarily supporting state education. To the contrary, he said that "self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." He believed that we each have the ability and responsibility for our own education, not that some central government could educate individuals. 

Government schools prepare students to be a part of the future labor force, but self-education gives an individual the ability to be different, to be creative, to think critically, to be both objective and subjective, to make a positive change in the world. And this is not so much opinion as statistical analysis, considering the volume of people that have shaped the world, yet have had little to no formal training or government reeducation.

It is on us all to foster true learning in the youth, not to use immoral redistribution of wealth to fund such state endeavors, nor to expect central planners to provide such services at the involuntary expense of someone else.

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