Monday, July 30, 2012

Fighting Joblessness

With constantly rising unemployment rates created by government interventionist policies like taxation and minimum wage laws, I think about how we might see a future where we can reduce unemployment. The resulting surplus labor which constitutes the unemployed are created because of protectionist efforts by legislators and labor unions to drive labor costs up, even when the goods and services produced do not demand higher prices. I see this as fairly basic economics which has been perverted by some for their own benefit while many go without employment prospects entirely.

Is it more just for a smaller portion of the available labor force to have positions that are compensated at rates higher than the market equilibrium, or is it more fair for a near entirety of the labor force to find sustaining work?

The state does have one option at its disposal which could actually alleviate this situation which itself created; deregulation. By repealing minimum wage laws, employers can set wages more appropriately proportional to the products and services offered in the market, which can increase revenue generated by lowering the costs of goods and services to consumers.

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