Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sacramento Cops Take DNA of Kids Without Parental Consent | Liberty Conspiracy

Cute story. Without getting parental consent, without even notifying the parents, Sacramento cops march into a school, pull kids out of class, and get their DNA. But that infringement of the 4th Amendment wasn't enough. They then interrogated the kids without notification or parental consent, and his arse Deputy has the classless gall to say that they were "interviews" not "interrogations" and that the so-called "interiews" were all "consensual". Hey, fool, according to your own LAWS, kids uner 18 aren't of majority age. They can't LEGALLY give their consent. This city should be sued until it's bankrupt (it probably already is), and the cops involved should be fired, and held liable for damages demanded by the parents.

Think those things will happen? Yeah, I doubt it, too...

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