I admit that I seldom spend any time reading the blogs of others. Certain SPECIAL people and friends only. I don't know, blogs tend to be too much like this one: narcissistic, rambling, and more like stream-of-conscious therapy. But today I went looking at blogs. I was looking for an example of a seriously angry anti-homeschooling person. And I found them! I really just wanted a little fun and to mock them a bit. Is that so bad? I decided that, for fun, I would simply respond to each criticism point-by-point.
Just for fun.
The blog post is called "The Case Against Homeschooling". It was a bit vitriolic for some reason; seems the author is a teacher and THAT should explain that...
Anyway, my snark aside, here are her "top ten reasons" why she is against what she calls "homeschooling: great for self-aggrandizing, society-phobic mother...but not quite so good for the kid."
HER WORDS are in Blue.MY WORDS are in Red.
Please check the links in BOLD.
Separate bolded words are separate links.
10. “You were totally home schooled” is an insult college kids use when mocking the geeky kid in the dorm (whether or not the offender was home schooled or not). And… say what you will… but it doesn’t feel nice to be considered an outsider, a natural outcropping of being homeschooled.
There is this part of me what wants to be VERY snarky about obnoxious near-adults still teasing (aka "bullying") "geeky" kids while in an institution of higher learning, such as college. However, I will rise above that.
Is she saying that homeschooling has a certain connotation to uninformed individuals and a homeschooled student risks facing immature behavior that we typically associate with elementary school bullies?Yes, wow, that is a problem.On the other hand, Many selective colleges welcome homeschooled perspective students with alacrity. Some reports suggest that the traditional brick-and-mortar university is beginning to change to nontraditional higher education studies. And the HSLDA studies indicate significant success by homeschool students in the college milieu. Homeschool students tend to score higher on ACT tests and, while in school, tend to have higher GPA and earn more credit during their freshman year than the traditionally-schooled student. Some important people actually believe that "traditional school" is dying.
More at: Homeschooling Atheist Momma Blog: The Case Against Homeschooling
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